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> Football américain, discussions et actualité de la NFL et autres
* 01/02/2009, 23:55:50
Message #1

Capitaine Madridista
Icône de groupe

Groupe : Membres
Messages: 4,819
Inscrit : 06/12/2008
Lieu : Toronto, CAN
Membre No. : 4,171
Joueur(s) Préféré(s): Weah Raul Zidane Messi Modric

Le match du 43e Super Bowl commencera en tout début de soirée (23H GMT) dimanche 1er février 2009 au stade de Tampa, en Floride. Les Cardinals de l'Arizona, la plus ancienne franchise de la Ligue nationale de football, affronteront les Steelers de Pittsburgh. Dans le coin jaune et noir, les Steelers de Pittsburgh avec leur riche histoire de succès tandis que le coin rouge et blanc on retrouve les Cardinals de l’Arizona qui n’ont jamais remporté ce rendez-vous historique.

Très populaire en amérique du Nord, le football américain tarde à se tailler une place sur la scène européenne. Néanmoins la grande messe du Superbowl reste parmis les 10 plus grands événements sportifs sur la planéte.

Le 43e Super Bowl en chiffres:

- 35 Selon des chiffres fournis par la NFL, les images télévisées du Super Bowl seront diffusées dans une centaine de pays, en 35 langues;

- 65.908 spectateurs : il seront tous dans le stade de Tampa (Floride);

- 100 millions à 140 millions : nombre de télespectateurs attendus;

- 261 millions de dollars : c'est le montant des recettes publicitaires;

- 9 millions de dollars : c'est ce qu'a déboursé Dreamworks pour avoir son écran de 90 secondes pendant le match. A événement exceptionnel, publicité exceptionnelle: le spot promotionnel du film Monsters vs. Aliens sera en 3D;

- 3 heures : durée de la retransmission du match qui ne dure, en réalité, qu'une heure. Mais il faut bien faire de la place aux publicités et aux pom-pom girls ;

Bruce Springsteen sera chargé du spectacle de la mi-temps. On se rappelle la controverse qui avait entouré le spectacle de Janet Jackson et Justin Timbarlake en 2004.

Des liens P2P pour regarder le Super Bowl 43.

Ce message a été modifié par Muntari20: 02/02/2009, 00:06:43
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Davor Suker
* 14/04/2010, 00:42:19
Message #2

Icône de groupe

Groupe : Membres
Messages: 998
Inscrit : 02/09/2008
Lieu : PARIS
Membre No. : 3,519

Vingt huit voix pour. Quatre contre. Les propriétaires ont donné leur feu vert au changement de format de la prolongation en playoffs.

A partir de la saison prochaine, si un match va en prolongation lors des playoffs, les règles seront donc les suivantes :
- Si la première équipe qui a le ballon en attaque marque un touchdown, elle gagne le match.
- Si la première équipe qui a le ballon en attaque marque un field goal, l'autre équipe récupère le ballon en attaque. Si cette deuxième marque un touchdown, elle gagne. Si elle marque un field goal pour égaliser, le match continue et la prochaine équipe qui marque des points (de n'importe quelle manière) gagne le match.

Le changement de règle ne s'applique pas aux matchs de saison régulière ou le principe de la mort subite reste en vigueur.

Donovan McNabb envoyé chez les Redskins

Philadelphie confie donc les clés de son attaque à Kevin Kolb, un quarterback prometteur mais qui n'a débuté que deux matchs en carrière.

Le Texas Stadium détruit
Quarante ans d'histoire sont parti en fumée hier à Dallas. Le Texas Stadium, stade des Cowboys jusqu'à la fin de la saison 2008 a été détruit.

Santonio Holmes transféré chez les Jets
a patience des dirigeants des Steelers a des limites. Alors qu'il est empêtré dans des soucis judiciaires qui pourraient lui valoir 4 matchs de suspension, Santonio Holmes vient d'être envoyé chez les Jets. En échange, Pittsburgh reçoit un choix du 5e tour de la Draft.

Le mois dernier, une femme a accusé Holmes de lui avoir jeté un verre au visage dans une boite de nuit ce qui l'aurait coupé au dessus de l'oeil. Un autre homme présent a depuis déclaré que c'est lui qui a lancé le verre mais l'enquête continue.

Le contrat de Santonio Holmes, le MVP du Superbowl XLIII, arrive à son terme à la fin de la saison prochaine et les Steelers ne semblaient pas vouloir lui donner une extension.

Chris Simms signe avec les Titans

Un nouveau quarterback arrive dans le Tennessee. Chris Simms vient de signer avec les Titans. Il retrouve une équipe avec laquelle il a évolué en 2008.

Simms devrait être le troisième quarterback de l'équipe derrière Vince Young et Kerry Collins.

Drafté au 3e tour par les Buccaneers en 2003, Simms a un bilan de 7 victoires pour 9 défaites en tant que titulaire.

Les Rams se séparent de Bulger ...
Il semble que les Rams fassent de la place dans leur masse salariale pour enrôler Sam Bradford lors de la prochaine draft. La franchise du Missouri a décidé de se séparer de Marc Bulger et économise ainsi les 8,5 millions de dollars qui devait être donnés au joueur. Bulger a connu des blessures à répétition depuis quelques années. La saison dernière, il n’a disputé que 9 matchs à cause d’une blessure au tibia gauche. En 11 années à Saint Louis, le quart arrière a passé pour 33 814 yards, 122 touchdowns et 93 interceptions.

Jay Feely a signé pour deux saisons avec les Cardinals de l’Arizona. Il devrait remplacer Neil Rackers au poste de kicker. Feely a convertit 30 des 36 field goals qu’il a tenté la saison dernière avec les Jets de New York.

Les Cowboys de Dallas ont décidé de libérer Flozell Adams et Ken Hamlin. Le tackle gauche a débuté 178 des 182 matchs qu’il a joués en 12 saisons pour la franchise texane. Le safety a disputé 3 saisons à Dallas et a enregistré 185 plaquages et 6 interceptions en 44 matchs.

Les Redskins de Washington ont fait signer un contrat d’un an à Willie Parker. L’ancien running back des Steelers de Pittsburgh rejoint un backfield qui se compose déjà de Clinton Portis et Larry Johnson. D’après son agent, Parker aura l’occasion de gagner sa place de titulaire d’ici le début de la saison. Il a connu sa meilleure année en 2006 lorsqu’il avait parcouru 1 494 yards en 337 courses, mais la saison dernière il n’a engrangé que 389 yards.

Les Cardinals de l’Arizona ont re-signé pour une saison supplémentaire cinq de leurs joueurs. Parmi eux, on retiendra les noms de Steve Breaston et du centre Lyle Sendlein. Le receveur doit prendre une place importante dans le jeu des Cards depuis le départ de Anquan Boldin. Il a réalisé 140 réceptions pour 1 810 yards et 6 essais depuis son arrivé dans la ligue.
Les autres joueurs re-signés sont le linebacker Monty Beisel, le tackle défensif Gabe Watson et le cornerback Michael Adams

Libéré par les Bears de Chicago la semaine dernière, Alex Brown a signé un contrat de deux ans (6 millions de dollars) avec les Saints de New Orleans. Le joueur a joué l’intégralité de la saison 2009 et a enregistré 6 sacks. Les Saints avaient besoin d’un defensive end depuis le coupage de Charles Grant il y a quelques temps.

 Je pose également l'évènement de cette semaine ce samedi: la DRAFT (le mercato des nouveaux joueurs, des novices en NFL).


La draft est le recrutement des meilleurs joueurs universitaires par les équipes de la NFL. Ce recrutement existe dans tous les sports américains. Les équipes disposent de 7 tours de Draft, c'est-à-dire qu'elles vont choisir un joueur à chaque tour les unes après les autres.

Cependant, les équipes ont le droit de négocier entre elles des tours de draft contre un échange de joueur déjà pro. De ce fait, on arrive à voir des équipes ayant drafté plus de 10 universitaires en seulement 7 tours.

Les joueurs ainsi draftés joueront leur 1ère saison dans l'élite à partir de septembre et seront alors appelés, pendant un an, les Rookies.

Qu'est-ce ?
La 65è Rencontre Annuelle pour la Sélection des Joueurs pour la NFL.

Où ?
Au Theater à Madison Square Garden, entre la 31è et la 33è rue à New York City.

12h (NY), Samedi 15 avril (tours 1, 2 et 3).
11h (NY), Dimanche 16 avril (tours 4, 5, 6 et 7).

Les 3 premiers tours s'achèveront approximativement à 22h.

Représentants des 31 clubs de la NFL (general manager, coach...) par téléphone.

La draft consiste en 7 tours (rounds). Il y aura 254 sélections en comptant les 31 choix compensatoires qui ont été accordé à 14 équipes qui ont souffert de la perte de plusieurs unrestricted free agents la saison passée. (notion de restricted et unrestricted free agent est assez complexe).

La franchise des Cleveland Browns aura 14 sélections (pick) sur 7 tours.

Temps limite
Les équipes auront 15 minutes pour faire leur 1er tour, 10 minutes pour leur second tour et 5 minutes pour le tour restant.

Pour avoir une idée de ce que cela peut donnée, je vous poste une simulation de ce que peut donner la draft cette saison animée par des phnomènes comme Suh et des QBs comme Bradford , Mc Coy ou Clausen. La grande inconnue est et reste Tim TEbow, annoncé tantôt comme un surdoué du foot us ou comme un échec cuisant en NFL.

Voici la lien de la dernière simulation : http://walterfootball.com/draft2010.php

D'autres annoncent ceci comme draft (avec profil des joueurs et particularités et surtout les raisons du choix ici le TOP 10)

1. St. Louis Rams: Sam Bradford, QB, OU

03/08/2010: Sam Bradford looks to be the favorite to go first overall in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. I think he is the best QB and I think he should be first I just want to see him throw before I lock this pick up. But for the time being Bradford will be first and I think he will be a QB for the Rams maybe eventually bring them back to the greatest show on turf years.

02/24/2010: I previously had Bradford as the first pick in the 2010 NFL Mock Draft. However, I thought he was going to work out at the combine and show that he was worthy of the pick. I still believe Bradford is the top QB In this 2010 NFL Mock Draft but he needs to prove it before I can bring him up to this top pick again. Bradford barely played at all this last year and Clausen had a monster year. So for the time being until Bradford works out and looks good I am going to have Clausen going to the Rams in my 2010 NFL Mock Draft.

02/22/2010: Bradford isn’t working out at the 2010 NFL Draft combine but I still see him as the best QB in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. Suh I think is still a very viable option here but for the time being I still like Bradford as my top selection in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft.

2. Detroit Lions: Ndamukong Suh, DT, Nebraska

03/15/2010: Ndamukong Suh is a great defensive tackle who could help out big time in the middle of the Lions defense. They have built their defense over the last couple weeks and I thought Schwartz was looking for a reason to get an offensive lineman. However, I think he is just trying to get the pieces into place to try and get the most out of Suh.

03/08/2010: The Lions must be thinking something other than DT with this pick because they acquired Williams from the Browns. So I think they take a beast left tackle with this pick to protect Stafford’s blind side. Another option with this pick would be the Eric Berry the play maker out of Tennessee.

02/25/2010: I know I am crazy for having McCoy go ahead of Suh in my Draft. However, I am not sure if Suh would be a better fit in the Lions defensive scheme. McCoy is a beast off of the ball and I think will be more of a sack artist from the inside. I still think Suh is the best all around DT in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft but I think the Lions might fall in love with McCoy’s speed and work ethic in the middle.

02/15/2010: I still have Ndamukong Suh as the top player in my 2010 NFL Mock Draft. Suh is a dominant pass and rush defender on the interior of the line. He may not be as fast off the ball or as good a pass rusher as Gerald McCoy but he is definitely the best all around tackle in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft.

3. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Gerald McCoy, DT, OU

03/15/2010: Once again I have the Bucs taking Gerald McCoy again. He is a very good DT that penetrates the middle of defenses well. He has a quick first step and could really help get pressure on opposing Quarterbacks in the 2010 NFL Season. Look for him to potentially fall to somewhere between picks 3-7.

03/08/2010: The Buccaneers get lucky with this pick in my 2010 NFL Mock Draft because of the Rams need for a QB and the fact that the Lions just picked up a DT. Suh is a beast in the middle and would fit the Bucs scheme very well.

02/25/2010: If Suh falls here in the 2010 NFL Draft then I think he is the steal of the draft. He would fit the Bucs Defense perfectly and he is the best all around DT in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. So I have him falling hear because of McCoy and the Rams taking a QB First overall.

02/15/2010: The Buccaneers get a great defensive tackle here in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. They could also go with Eric Berry here but I think if either of the DT’s are available in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft they will take them. McCoy falls to them in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft and he is a great defensive lineman and a definite top 10 pick.

4. Washington Redskins: Russell Okung, OT, Ok State

03/15/2010: The Redskins could go after Jimmy Clausen with this pick in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. However, I think they will take Sam Bradford if he does fall to them with this pick. However, I don’t have him falling and I think Okung is the best choice in this situation.

03/10/2010: I previously had Gerald McCoy going in this pick and then I realized that they have 100 million invested in one of their DT’s. So I have them taking a pass rusher with all the upside in the world with Jason Pierre-Paul.

03/08/2010: The Redskins probably could use an OT with this pick but I don’t see an OT that should go this high because Okung is already off the board. Bruce Campbell and Trent Williams could be potential options with this pick in the 2010 NFL Mock Draft but McCoy is the best option. Eric Berry once again is another option with this pick in the Draft.

02/15/2010: The skins need a good offensive lineman in order to protect Jason Campbell in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. They could go after Jimmy Clausen with this pick but I have them passing on him for the top OT in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft

02/05/10 – I see a lot of people have the redskins taking Sam Bradford or Jimmy Clausen but I am not sure if they will go QB this high in the 2010 NFL Mock Draft. I have them taking the best available lineman in this situation in order to protect whoever they take in the 2nd round of this 2010 NFL Mock Draft or Jason Campbell.

5. Kansas City Chiefs: Trent Williams, OT, OU

02/29/2010: I previously had Anthony Davis with this pick but he didn’t work out that well at the combine. Trent Williams look extremely athletic and helped his draft stock a ton. I now have him as the 2nd ranked OT in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft.

02/15/2010: The Chiefs get a very good offensive Tackle here in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. I did have them taking Trent Williams but Davis is shooting up Draft Boards and I now have him ranked as the 2nd Tackle in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. Jason Pierre-Paul is an option hear but I think they go with the OT to protect Cassell.

02/05/2010 – The Chiefs take an offensive lineman with this pick in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. Trent Williams is a good lineman from a good program. Some other options here would be Derrick Morgan as a top tier pass rusher as well as Anthony Davis or Bryan Bulaga.

6. Seattle Seahawks: Eric Berry, S, Tennessee

03/15/2010: Safety may not be the Seahawks biggest need in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft but it isn’t every year that you can take a player of Eric Berry’s talent. I think they may go with Jimmy Clausen with this pick but I have them passing on him with this pick.

03/10/2010: Gerald McCoy is a top 3 pick that falls to 6 because of draft needs. He is a beast in the middle who can stop the run and rush the passer as well.

02/15/2010: I have the Seahawks taking Eric Berry still in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft but I think their is a strong possibility they could take Bryan Bulaga or Jimmy Clausen with this pick. In this 2010 NFL Mock Draft I do have Berry as the best player available but due to need this could be a tough pick for the Hawks.

02/05/2010 – The Seahawks get quite possibly the second best player in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. Berry is a great player and is considered to be like Ed Reed. The only reason that he falls this far in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft is that he is a safety and there is less of a need in the NFL for safeties than other D-Lineman as well as offensive lineman.

7. Cleveland Browns: Jimmy Clausen, QB, ND

03/15/2010: The Browns just traded their QB they recently have taken in the first round. They have new management now with Holmgren and he wants his own players. Just because Clausen is a QB out of Notre Dame doesn’t mean he is in the same mold as Brady Quinn. I think Clausen has a better arm and is a much more accurate QB. Clausen could be a QB to come in and actually make a difference to change this program around.

03/10/2010: Eric Berry is considered by most to be the best athlete in the draft but he is a safety so he falls a little bit… if you consider going 7th overall falling in the NFL Draft. I think this will be a huge pick up for the Browns and a player to lead their secondary for years to come.

03/03/2010: Jason Pierre-Paul absolutely lit it up at the combine and looked like a freak. Check out Youtube.com and you can see him do 13 freaking back flips in a row. He is a 270 lb beast who ran sub 4.8 so I think he is a lock for the top 10. Also Haden falls after his poor Combine performance.

02/05/2010 – The Browns get the 2nd best DB in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. Behind Berry Haden is a great cover corner as well as a physical player. Look for him to be a top 10 pick in the this 2010 NFL Mock Draft.

8. Oakland Raiders: Bruce Campbell, OT, Maryland

02/29/2010: I previously had Pierre-Paul going to the Raiders with this pick in my 2010 NFL Mock Draft. I now have switched them to taking Bruce Campbell because of his workout with a 4.85 among other good workouts. Al Davis takes the best athletes and Campbell is the best athlete at the Left Tackle position.

02/15/2010: In Todd Mcshay’s latest mock Draft he has Jason Pierre-Paul as a top 5 draft pick. I think Pierre-Paul has a lot of potential but I don’t think he will be a top 5 Draft pick. In this draft I have him going to the Raiders to play opposite Seymour in the 2010 NFL Season.

02/05/2010 – Al Davis Loves speed and combine workouts. I believe that he will put up good numbers at the 2010 NFL Draft Combine as well as impress Al Davis. Morgan is a burner off the edge and he is good against the run as well.

9. Buffalo Bills: Bryan Bulaga, OT, Iowa

03/15/2010: I previously had the Bills taking Jimmy Clausen with this 2010 NFL Mock Draft pick. However, there are to many teams ahead of the Bills that need QB’s. So I have the Bills taking a good Offensive Tackle with this pick.

03/08/2010: Jimmy Clausen had a very good year and he should be a top 10 pick in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. I have him going 9 right now but 4 is another option with the Redskins. Another option here would be OT or them taking a DT to better fit their 3-4 system.

02/25/2010: I believe Bradford is the best QB in this 2010 Mock NFL Draft but we haven’t seen him workout yet so I have him falling a little bit. I think after he works out I will re rank him as the top QB in this Mock Draft but until then he will remain the 2nd rated QB. Also I think that if he falls to this pick he will be a huge steal because of his size, arm strength and intelligence.

02/22/2010: Clausen decided not to work out at the 2010 NFL Combine and I don’t think it was a great move on his part. I think Bradford right now is seen as the top QB in this 2010 NFL Draft and Clausen is going to have to show that he is better. He lacks the size that Bradford has and I think that could hurt Clausen at the combine.

10. Jacksonville Jaguars: Dez Bryant, WR, Ok State

03/15/2010: The Jaguars don’t have great wide receiver core. David Garrard is not going to do anything without a good receiving core. Dez Bryant is the top WR in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft and will be a real player in the NFL. Look for him to definitely be a top 15 Draft pick.

02/15/2010: I still have the Jags taking price with this pick in the 2010 NFL Mock Draft. I just don’t see them passing on him because he has the most upside out of anyone in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft.

02/05/2010 – Brian Price has a ton of upside in this 2010 NFL Mock Draft. I see him as a good pass rusher as well as a person that can help stuff the middle. I think he would fit in well with a 3-4 because he is so quick off the ball as well.

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